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Surles Makes Case for Sustainable Energy Transitions

March 19, 2024
Collage of five photos: One-hundred-dollar bills, an aerial view of a residential neighborhood, a transmission tower, a team hand-stack, nickel ore

Dr. Terry Surles, Senior Advisor of CIEE’s Enabling Technologies program, recently published an article in the Journal of International Business and Diplomacy that makes the case for an integrated approach to implementing the global energy transition. Even with this integrated approach, there are significant economic, materials, and societal issues that will make achieving carbon neutrality difficult.

With his collaborator Joachim Monkelbaan, Climate Trade Lead at the World Economic Forum, Surles introduces the “Sustainable Energy Transitions (SET) Diamond” as a framework for navigating the economic, resource, technological, human, and governance dimensions of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Of these factors, the authors note the untapped potential of human behavior and decision-making in driving sustainability—as demonstrated through studies such as CIEE’s Oakland EcoBlock project—and emphasize the collaborative, multi-scalar effort required to build a more resilient future.

Read the article in the Journal of International Business and Diplomacy (p. 66-82)