

Collage of four headshots, from left to right: Carlos Duarte Roa; Therese Peffer; Paul Raftery; Anand Prakash

Peffer Receives 2024 ASHRAE Best Paper Award

CIEE’s Dr. Therese Peffer, with partners from the Center for the Built Environment and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was awarded the 2024 Best Paper Award from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Collage of five photos: One-hundred-dollar bills, an aerial view of a residential neighborhood, a transmission tower, a team hand-stack, nickel ore

Surles Makes Case for Sustainable Energy Transitions

CIEE Senior Advisor Dr. Terry Surles and co-author Joachim Monkelbaan propose an integrated approach to implementing the global energy transition in the latest issue of the Journal of International Business and Diplomacy.