Peffer Receives 2024 ASHRAE Best Paper Award
CIEE’s Dr. Therese Peffer, with partners from the Center for the Built Environment and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was awarded the 2024 Best Paper Award from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

A New, Affordable Approach to Lower Carbon Emissions in Large Commercial Buildings
CIEE and the Center for the Built Environment completed a three-year project to reduce the substantial energy consumption and associated emissions by large-scale commercial buildings.

Sustainability and Justice: Phillippe Phanivong on Building a Decarbonized Future
CIEE Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Phillippe Phanivong, with support from Dr. Miriam Aczel, showcased the EcoBlock project in an online seminar for the Australian National University.

Book Review: Miriam Aczel on American Climate Migration
CIEE Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Miriam Aczel recently co-published a book review of On the Move: The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America by journalist Abrahm Lustgarten in Science Magazine.

Event Recap: Strategies for Buildings and Technician Education at the 2024 National Institute
Co-hosted by the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), this year’s conference centered on the theme, “Less Carbon, More Action! Strategies for Buildings & Technician Education.”

Surles Makes Case for Sustainable Energy Transitions
CIEE Senior Advisor Dr. Terry Surles and co-author Joachim Monkelbaan propose an integrated approach to implementing the global energy transition in the latest issue of the Journal of International Business and Diplomacy.

Research Updates from 2023 Art Rosenfeld Award Winner Eleanor Adachi
Eleanor Adachi, a dual-degree Master’s student at UC Berkeley and recipient of the 2023 Art Rosenfeld Award, shares how the award has helped further her research on dynamic electricity pricing and beyond.

Sustainable Systems for Energy: Supporting the CPUC on Multi-Attribute Energy and Environmental Decision-Making
CIEE manages a program for supporting the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) goals, with tasks spanning energy efficiency, energy storage, electric vehicles, financial and behavioral studies, and lifecycle analysis.

Notice of Intent to Award: California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment – Core Climate Research Program
The California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), in partnership with the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) and the Fifth Assessment Team, is pleased to announce its intent to award funding to fifteen proposals as part of California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment.

Eight Key Challenges for California’s Energy Future
CIEE Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Miriam Aczel recently co-published a report titled “Key Challenges for California’s Energy Future.”