Call for Abstracts: BECC 2023
Abstract submissions are open for the 2023 Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change (BECC) Conference! Submit by April 1st, 2023.

Research Updates from 2022 Art Rosenfeld Award Winner Alanna Cooney
Alanna Cooney, PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley and recipient of the 2022 Art Rosenfeld Award, shares how the award has helped further her research on thermal energy storage.

Book Review: Miriam Aczel on Rewilding in India
CIEE Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Miriam Aczel reviews Rewilding: India’s Experiments in Saving Nature by Bahar Dutt.

BECC Webinar Recap: ‘Equitable Digitalization of Residential Energy Technologies’
The use of residential smart technology has led to new energy efficiency investments, but important questions remain regarding who benefits from home energy digitalization and how to ensure it is equitable. Empowering and engaging with people, particularly the most vulnerable, is key to better understanding and utilizing these technologies.

Engaging and Empowering Technicians for an Energy-Efficient Future: BEST Center’s 2022 in Review
Over the past decade, the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center has worked to promote energy-efficient and healthy building operations by advancing building science and technician education. As 2022 draws to a close, we look back at an exciting year of projects and achievements.

Director Carl Blumstein on the Future of CIEE Research
From expanding collaborations to driving policy, CIEE Director Carl Blumstein discusses the organization’s role in effecting change in the coming decades.

Study Shows Californian Wildfires May Exacerbate Health Disparities and Environmental Justice Concerns
Dr. Michele Barbato’s new research paper raises health concerns about air pollution from the increasing number of Californian wildfires.

Register: 2022 CalFlexHub Symposium (December 6-7)
This year’s event will showcase CalFlexHub’s innovative portfolio of projects, amplify solution-centered conversations with leading experts, and provide opportunities for attendee collaboration and networking.

Register: 2023 Annual Institute (January 4-6)
Co-hosted by the BEST Center and LBNL, the 2023 Annual Institute is the premier event for college faculty, students, and technical professionals aspiring to improve their knowledge and application of high-performance building operations.

Cal Energy Corps Merges with CITRIS Workforce Innovation Program
After 11 years of providing students summer internships with energy-related companies and national labs, the Cal Energy Corps will merge with the Climate and Energy track of the CITRIS Workforce Innovation Program beginning December 2022.