

Headshots of Therese Peffer, Miriam Aczel, and Kate Ringness. Text above reads: Happy Energy Efficiency Day!

Celebrating Energy Efficiency Day

October 5 marks Energy Efficiency Day, a nationwide campaign that celebrates the benefits of sustainable energy use. The CIEE team is certainly no stranger to efficiency–in fact, here are some of the ways they conserve energy in their daily lives.

Six speakers on a Zoom screen

Miriam Aczel Examines Role of Natural Gas in Global Energy Transition

CIEE postdoctoral scholar Dr. Miriam Aczel recently spoke at the book launch of “The Palgrave Handbook of Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions,” which offers an authoritative examination of the implications of ongoing global energy transitions for natural gas markets across the world.

West facade of the U.S. Capitol

Inflation Reduction Act Brings Renewed Hope for Climate Action

The Inflation Reduction Act contains the most ambitious strategy for climate change and clean energy production. While the details are still being sorted out, one thing is clear—this is welcome news in the fight against climate change, and an opportunity to double down on working towards a cleaner, greener, and more equitable planet.