Energy Use in Buildings

State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (SPEED)

SPEED market impact diagram showing the feedback cycle of develop, demonstrate, and deploy
From development, through demonstration, and into market adoption, SPEED's unique process generated feedback to continually refine market-based solutions, while influencing codes and standards, and the market for green jobs and investment.

The State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (SPEED) program sought to drive the market adoption of energy efficient technologies as a part of California’s commitment to a clean energy future. Managed through the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE) from 2004 to 2014, SPEED was highly successful in conducting more than 100 demonstrations and other technology-transfer projects to showcase the benefits of best-in-class technology solutions in installations across the state. SPEED was a program of the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program of the California Energy Commission.

Taking a collaborative approach to market transformation, SPEED leveraged partnerships with manufacturers, technology stakeholders and demonstration hosts. A unique process connected technology development, demonstration and market adoption through a feedback-generating pipeline that not only drove market adoption and energy savings, but also informed product improvement, influenced state and national codes and standards and created a positive market environment for investment and green jobs.