Energy Use in Buildings, Climate Change, Electric Grid

The Binational Lab on Smart Energy Management and Technology

group photo of members of the binational laboratory
Project team members from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Tec de Monterrey), and California’s UC Berkeley.

The Binational Lab on Smart Energy Management and Technology is a research partnership between Mexico’s largest and most prestigious private education institute, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Tec de Monterrey), and California’s UC Berkeley.

  • University of California
  • Prof. Alexandra von Meier, UC Berkeley
  • Prof. James Bushnell, UC Davis
  • Prof. Daniel Kammen, UC Berkeley
  • Mary Collins, UC Berkeley
  • Karen Notsund, UC Berkeley
  • Dr. Sergio Castellanos, UC Berkeley
  • Dr. Aminy Ostfeld, UC Berkeley
  • Mohini Bariya, UC Berkeley
  • James Mahady, UC Berkeley
  • Nick Pappas, UC Davis
  • Armando Rangel, UC Davis
  • Tec de Monterrey (México):
  • Prof. Jonathan Mayo, Tec de Monterrey (México)
  • Prof. Alejandro Ibarra, Tec de Monterrey (México)
  • Prof. Oliver Probst, Tec de Monterrey (México)

The goal of this partnership is to develop research at the frontiers of technology, economics, and policy to further advance Mexico’s energy transition. A breadth of topics are led by faculties in both Mexico and California, spanning from electricity markets restructuring analysis, to comparative policy studies, to developing renewable energy integration models, and all the way to deploying distribution network hardware to monitor the electric grid quality.