Cal Energy Corps Merges with CITRIS Workforce Innovation Program
After 11 years of providing students summer internships with energy-related companies and national labs, the Cal Energy Corps will merge with the Climate and Energy track of the CITRIS Workforce Innovation Program beginning December 2022.

Barbara Haya Discusses Crypto Carbon Offsets in The Verge
Dr. Barbara Haya discusses the viability of turning carbon offset credits into cryptocurrencies on The Verge.

BECC Webinar Recap: New Innovations for Saving Energy in Buildings Through Behavior Change
The BECC Conference hosted a webinar on September 15 to address recent developments in behavioral science beyond encouraging general energy-saving behaviors, such as targeting peak heating and cooling events, engaging building occupants, and focusing on building operators who can have greater influence on how energy is used.

Celebrating the 2022 Cal Energy Corps and CITRIS Workforce Innovation Program Interns
On Thursday, September 8, the Cal Energy Corps, in partnership with the CITRIS Workforce Innovation Program (WIP), hosted a joint reception to celebrate the achievements of the 2022 intern cohorts.

Celebrating Energy Efficiency Day
October 5 marks Energy Efficiency Day, a nationwide campaign that celebrates the benefits of sustainable energy use. The CIEE team is certainly no stranger to efficiency–in fact, here are some of the ways they conserve energy in their daily lives.

Sascha von Meier Discusses California’s Electric Grid in KQED Podcast
Dr. Alexandra “Sascha” von Meier talks about the state of California’s grid alongside experts from UC Berkeley and The New York Times.

Pushing the Limits: Sascha von Meier Weighs in on Historic California Heatwave
The CIEE senior advisor offers pragmatic advice on averting rolling blackouts in a recent SF Chronicle article.

Climate Change is the New Normal, says Michele Barbato
Amid a record-setting heatwave, the CITRIS Climate initiative faculty director points to climate change as a critical problem.

Modernizing the Electric Grid: Sascha von Meier Makes Case for Novel Technologies
According to the CIEE senior advisor, grid modernization is not a matter of if, but when.

An Old Solution, with a Twist: Michele Barbato on Earth Blocks and Wildfire Resilience
The CITRIS Climate faculty director is developing new ways to protect threatened infrastructure, per a recent story in Civil Engineering Magazine.